Explore the authors who have contributed to Original Falcon.

Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D.
Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D. was trained in psycho-physiology and clinical psychology. As a research scientist he has published numerous peer-reviewed articles in professional journals and was a Research Fellow at the University of Toronto and the University of Southern California. He fled the world of academia and state sponsored psychology to become an explorer of the human mind... creating such devices as the Radical Undoing Series. He is now a world-famous author of a wide variety of books, CDs, and DVDs on post-modern psychology, sex, tantra, kundalini and mysticism... and an advocate of brain exploration.

Antero Alli
Antero Alli is the author of Astrologik; Angel Tech: A Modern Shaman’s Guide to Reality Selection; The Eight-Circuit Brain: Navigational Strategies for the Energetic Body; Towards an Archeology of the Soul; The Akashic Record Player: A Non-Stop Geomantic Conspiracy; A Modern Shaman's Guide to a Pregnant Universe (with C.S. Hyatt); The Vertical Oracle (with Sylvi Pickering-Alli); and State of Emergence: Experiments in Group Ritual Dynamics. Antero is also a practicing astrologer, a prolific underground filmmaker, and an experimental theatre director.

Jay Bremyer
Jay Bremyer is a novelist, essayist and poet. He is the author of The Dance of Created Lights: A Sufi Tale, The Chymical Cook: A True Account of Mystical Initiation and Walled-In, Soul in Nature, a synthesis of Thoreaus's Walden and the Bhagavad Gita. He lives on the Kansas prairie with his wife. Together with a planetary network of friends, they celebrate diversity and the emergence of the ability to think with one's heart.

Rob Brezsny
Rob Brezsny is an American astrologer, author, and musician. He is the author of several books including Images Are Dangerous; The Televisionary Oracle; and Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring To Shower You with Blessings. His music has been recorded by Jefferson Starship.

William S. Burroughs
William S. Burroughs (1914-1997), is the world-renowned author of Naked Lunch, Queer, Interzones, Junky, The Soft Machine, and My Education: A Book of Dreams, among many other works. He is a member of the American Academy and Institute for Arts and Letters and a Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of France. He is considered by many to be the foremost literary figure of our time.

Sorceress Cagliastro
Blood Sorceress, Necromancer, Mummifier, Magnetic Sorcery researcher, teacher, author, lecturer, embalmer, forensic reconstructionist, and consigliere to the disincarnate, Sorceress Cagliastro has spent decades in service to the Integrity of the Deceased as a trade embalmer and in years of work at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. In an entirely different area, she has also worked directly with Sir Richard Branson as one half of his team of US publicists at Virgin Media.

Peter Carroll
Peter J. Carroll is one of founders of the Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros (IOT) which he led for a decade. He has spent twenty-five years in research and experiment and is the author of PsyberMagick, Liber Null & Psychonaut and Liber Kaos: The Psychonomicon.

Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), also known as 'The Great Beast' and the 'Wickedest Man in the World,' was one of the most profound students of Magick, Qabalah and yoga psychology. His vast influence reaches through all modern occultism. He is widely recognized as the first Western investigator to give initiation a truly scientific method. In reconciling occultism to physical science, mathematics and philosophy, Crowley achieved a lasting synthesis that remains unsurpassed for depth of insight and comprehensiveness.

James Curcio
When James Curcio (a.k.a. Agent139) isn't secretly mind-controlling impressionable youth, he poses as the creative director of a number of media companies and projects. He is currently working on Fas Ferox, a multimedia graphic novel project with a team of artists including creative consultant Neil Gaiman.

Lon Milo DuQuette
Lon Milo DuQuette is a noted Tantric authority who has written and taught extensively in the areas of Mysticism, Magick and Tarot.

Diana Rose Hartmann, M.A.
Diana Rose Hartmann, M.A. is an artist, author, and editorial consultant. In addition to being a student of Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies, she has won awards for her short fiction and has designed several computer games.

Steven Heller, Ph.D.
Steven Heller, Ph.D. was widely in demand as a clinician, lecturer and trainer of the Ericksonian method, as well as his own method, Unconscious Restructuring®. Through his seminar program, Clinical Hypnosis: Innovative Techniques® Dr. Heller was one of the first individuals to present what was to become known as "Ericksonian hypnotherapy." He became known as the "trainer of the trainers," and was given the name "The Wizard."
Dr. Heller also trained members of the helping professions, and conducted in-house training programs for hospital staffs, universities, medical, dental and psychological associations. He was a guest on several radio and television programs. Dr. Heller received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from California Western University, where his special area of study was, of course, hypnosis. He was born in Los Angeles in 1939; he died in 1997.

Calvin Iwema
Calvin Iwema is a therapist, leadership development consultant and long time student of applied philosophy, hypnosis and NLP. As a friend and former student of Dr. Christopher Hyatt, he is the co-author of Energized Hypnosis and had contributed to the Black Book series and Rebels and Devils. On occasion he works with individuals on their personal and spiritual growth in a similar manner to his late teacher. He resides in the Chicago suburbs with his wife and enjoys music and mixology.

Craig Jensen
Craig Jensen, aka Craig Steven Quiter, aka Zehm Aloim, is a musician and songwriter who has contributed to many of Falcon's audios and videos. He is the creator of The Psychopath’s Lullaby.

Daniel Allen Kelley
Daniel Allen Kelley is an author, poet, musician and Integral Life Practitioner with over two decades of experience in the esoteric arts. After joining various Hermetic societies and practicing their methods, he found his spiritual home in Chinese Taoist Alchemy and the Yogas of India and Tibet. He practices and teaches Internal Chinese Martial Arts, Qigong, Taijiquan and Xingyiquan. He lives in upstate New York.

Timothy Leary, Ph.D.
Timothy Leary, Ph.D. was a respected Harvard psychology professor who became a guru for hundreds of thousands of people, espousing the use of the powerful hallucinogen LSD and other mind-altering drugs as a means of brain change. After he was forced out of academia, Leary became associated with many of the great names of the time including Aldous Huxley, Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs and Charlie Mingus. In the mid-1960s his fame grew to international proportions. He was targeted as "the most dangerous man in the world" by the U.S. government and given a 10-year sentence for possession of two marijuana cigarettes. After he was released from prison, he continued to advocate brain-change through various means, including computer software. He acted in a number of movies, and was well-regarded as a stand-up comedian/philosopher. He died of cancer in 1996.

Joseph C. Lisiewski, Ph.D.
Joseph C. Lisiewski, Ph.D. is a noted physicist involved in the study of the Relativistic SpaceTime Continuum, and the new physics that is exploring possibility of physical time travel. A personal friend and student of both Israel Regardie and the famous Alchemist, Frater Albertus for many years, his numerous published papers on both of their teachings, and on his own forty years of practice in both Magic and Alchemy, has helped many along their own Paths.

Joseph Matheny
Joseph Matheny is a writer, filmmaker and technologist who has played a role in establishing and evangelizing standards and practices such as CD ROM, PDF, DVD, XML, RSS, Podcasting, ARG and digital video. He holds patents for prediction, recommendation and behavioral analysis algorithms and software design. He is a published author of screenplays, white papers, technology, sci-fi, marketing and gaming books. He currently resides in Los Angeles, CA.

Grant Morrison
Grant Morrison is highly regarded as one of the most original and inventive writers to work in the comic book industry. He is renowned for his ability to revive and re-imagine established characters including Batman, Superman, New X-Men and Fantastic Four. A practicing Chaos magician since 1979, he has travelled extensively, and played with various bands. He still writes and records music and stages semi-regular DJ happenings under the aegis of The Beastocracy in Glasgow and London.

Gregory Peters
Gregory Peters is a researcher and explorer of nondual tantra, consciousness, and the convergence of Eastern and Western spiritual practices. He is initiated in Hindu, Buddhist, and Western tantrik lines, and is a senior adept in various occult traditions. Through his written works, he delves into the mystical and energetic dimensions of human experience, drawing from his experience with tantra, dream yoga, and esotericism to explore the awe and wonder of embodied experience.

Jack Parsons
Jack Parsons, a founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, was a rocket scientist, occultist and member of Crowley’s magical order. He died in 1952 in a mysterious laboratory explosion. His eloquent writings on the human condition convey passion, intelligence and a deep conviction.

Nick Pell
Nick Pell is the founder of the Esozone event and the defunct occulture website Key 64, was an editor of "The Magician's Reflection", and has been a student of the Hyatt Method for several years. Eschewing the religious dogma and mental slack that dominate the occult landscape, Pell has carved a niche for himself as a hard- nosed, evidence-based practitioner of modern Tantra. He calls his take on the Hyatt Method "Motherfucker Tantra", and works with Tarot as psychological archetypes. Pell lives somewhere in the Pacific Northwest where he is a relatively invisible prole.

Ian Read
Ian Read is a musician, the leader of the English branch of the Illuminates of Thanateros (IOT), and the editor of the magazine Chaos International.

Israel Regardie
Israel Regardie (1907-1985) was considered by many to be the last living Adept of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. At an early age, Regardie worked as Aleister Crowley's personal secretary. In addition to his extensive writings, Regardie practiced as a chiropractor and as a neo-Reichian therapist. He taught psychiatry at the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic and contributed articles to many psychology magazines.

Denny Sargent
Denny Sargent is an accomplished writer, historian and university Instructor with a Masters degree in Ancient History and Cross Cultural Communications. He was initiated into the Nath Lineage of Tantra in 1980 as taught by Shri Gurudev Dadaji Mahendranath, and has practiced and written about Tantra ever since. He has traveled extensively and conducted on-site research in more than 25 countries, including India and many other areas of Asia. He is the author of many books including: Global Ritualism; Myth & Magick Around the World; The Tao of Birth Days; and Dancing With Spirits: Festivals & Folklore of Japan. He likes snakes.

Nathan Satan
Nathan Satan is a sub-personality of occult author and multi-media artist Nathaniel J. Harris, whose work may be found amongst the pages of the magazine Chaos International. He also produced the original illustrations for Phil Hine's self published works on Chaos Magic, and with him designed the first thought form to be defined as a Chaoservitor.

Stephen Sennitt
Stephen Sennitt created and edited the famous occult journal, NOX, from 1986-1991. He is the author of the initiated occult history, Monstrous Cults, A Study of the Primordial Gnosis (1992), and two collections of acclaimed weird fiction, Xenos (1989) and Creatures of Clay and Other Stories of the Macabre (Critical Vision, 2003). He has also contributed articles and letters to various weird/esoteric journals, such as Kaos, Chaos International, Rapid Eye, Nyctalops, Esoterra, Cthulhu Codex, The Lamp of Thoth, Starry Wisdom, and numerous others. At present time he is the U.K. Coordinator of The Esoteric Order of Dagon. In his "other life" he has authored a controversial history of "banned" Horror comics, and he regularly contributes book and film reviews to Headpress-A Journal of Sex Religion Death.

Mark Stavish
Mark Stavish is the Director of Studies for the Institute for Hermetic Studies and is a life-long student of esotericism with over 30 years experience in comparative religion, philosophy, psychology, and mysticism with emphasis on Traditional Western Esotericism. He is the author of four books, The Path of Alchemy: Energetic Healing and the World of Natural Magic, Kabbalah for Health and Wellness, Freemasonry: Rituals, Symbols and History of the Secret Society, and Between the Gates: Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection and the Body of Light in Western Esotericism. His articles have appeared in numerous academic and mass market publications specializing in spiritual studies.

Nick Tharcher
Nick Tharcher was one of the founders of Falcon Press and has contributed to and edited many of Falcon's titles.

Rachel Turetzky
Rachel Turetzky holds a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Depth Psychology. She has trained as a Psychedelic-Assisted Therapist, and has worked with the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). She has further training as a Psychedelic-Assisted Therapist, and is a Certified Integrative Wellness & Life Coach, a Certified Yoga Teacher, and Reiki Healer. She also provides metaprogramming instruction and guidance through 8-Circuit Ascension/The Institute of Applied Metaprogramming with co-founder Dr. Rachel Turetzky.

Soror U
Soror U has played with Fire and Ice as well as her own band, Sound00. U may also know her as Mee.

K.B. Wells, Jr.
K.B. Wells, Jr. is an author and researcher of conspiracy theories and hidden technology, as well an investigator of the alien agenda on Earth. Wells writes fiction and maintains a full time job in the computer industry. He has received extensive training as a clairvoyant, psychic and healer. Current projects include a new book on America's Quiet Wars and the construction of a Rife Beam Unit, a technology suppressed by the U.S. government in the 1930's, which uses light and radio frequency to promote health and healing.

Robert Anton Wilson
Robert Anton Wilson is the coauthor (with the late Robert Shea), of the underground classic The Illuminatus! Trilogy which won the 1986 Prometheus Hall of Fame Award. His other writings include Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy, called "the most scientific of all science fiction novels" by New Scientist, and many nonfiction works of Futurist psychology and guerilla ontology. Wilson, who sees himself as a Futurist, author, and stand-up comic, regularly gives seminars at Esalan and other New Age centers. Wilson has made both a comedy record (Secrets of Power), and a punk rock record (The Chocolate Biscuit Conspiracy), and his play, Wilhelm Reich in Hell, has been performed throughout the world. His novel Illuminatus! was adapted as a 10-hour science fiction rock epic and performed under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Great Britain's National Theatre, where Wilson appeared in a special cameo role. He is also a former editor at Playboy magazine.

Douglas S. Wingate
Douglas S. Wingate holds a Doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine, has completed postdoctoral studies in clinical neuroscience, and is certified in Somatic Psychedelic Integration. He has completed postdoctoral studies in clinical neuroscience, as well as being a certified Functional Medicine Hyperbaric Clinician, Licensed Acupuncturist, and herbalist. He has written multiple books on brain health and consciousness. He also provides metaprogramming instruction and guidance through 8-Circuit Ascension/The Institute of Applied Metaprogramming with co-founder Dr. Rachel Turetzky.