Join My Cult!
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Pages: | 280 pages |
Religions. Philosophies. Advertising campaigns. Gurus. Prozac. All of these drugs are sold as answers to our deepest questions: Why are we here? What truly has meaning?
For a group of young adults desperately searching for meaning in the bleak McMansion sprawls of Suburban America, these questions are of the essence. When none of the accepted avenues of thought or behavior make sense any longer, they wander into an unknown territory of magick, drug use, and shamanic exploration.
Through satire and drama, Join My Cult takes you on an inward initiatory journey and a deeply hypnotic experience.
Editorial Reviews
Thought-provoking and unusual, Join My Cult! twists emotions and provides an uncanny, yet quirky insight into cult sociology and cultural immersion, as well as a study in progressive insanity. This is not a book to read while distracted, by the way. Take it aside and find a quiet room and devote a few hours to it each time you pick it up. You will love where it takes you with its surrealistic persuasions and philosophical themes.
JIVE Magazine
Did I read Join My Cult? Or was it just a strange and wonderful dream? James Curcio has created a lunatic narrative that haunts and teases with the promise of revelations to come. Open this book only if you are prepared for a reality-wrenching journey into the secrets of the Invisible Masters.
Philip H. Farber
Join My Cult! reads like a stroboscopic MTV docu-drama of Ulysses and Illuminatus!
Peter Carroll
James Curcio has one hand on Pandora's box and the key to open it in the other. Join My Cult is an invitation to chaos, treading the thinly veiled landscape between madness and genius. Once you make the trip, there is no turning back.
Devon White